Offering work entrepreneurship experience to young people with functional diversity
The Summer of Occupational Exploration provided tools in the areas of entrepreneurship, chemical processes, environmental quality, electronics and robotics A hundred young people from the Special Education Program and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act successfully completed the Summer of Occupational Exploration...
Technology competency results available to teachers
During the past school year, the teaching staff of the Department of Education (DE) participated in various training and professional development activities and evaluative measures in order to develop technopedagogical competencies and skills for the creation of learning scenarios tailored to the needs of the students....
COMMUNICATIONS Begin development and reinforcement of digital competencies of teachers in the public system
As part of the recently announced project of the Department of Education of Puerto Rico (DEPR), DE-Innova, all teachers of the public education system will have the opportunity to participate in an assessment process that will allow them to develop their technological knowledge profile and obtain a Technology Plan....
Press Release - PBL Education Forum August 2017
San Juan, Puerto Rico - Next Thursday, August 17, 2017, the event ¨Educando en un Mundo de Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos¨ will take place, aimed at supporting professionals in the field of education in both the public and private sectors....